Profile PictureDomini Anne

Whip it Good

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Whip it Good


Semi-Restorative Galileo workout focusing on exercises using the Elements Wide Sling and Pilates Studio Pro. Domini Anne provides detailed guidance on setting up equipment, including alternatives to the Wide Sling, use of yoga blocks, sticky mats, and straps. 

The session includes a variety of stretching and traction exercises targeting specific body parts like the scapula, sternum, pelvis, and thighs. The exercises aim to improve mobility, balance, and muscle engagement by leveraging different frequencies on the Galileo. The class integrates practical anatomy insights with energetic practices to enhance body awareness and circulation.

Perfect for when you want to get some movement in your body, but don’t feel like a full scale workout. This session will leave you feeling energized, lengthened and restored. 

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735 MB
44 minutes
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